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Pre-war racing  1930-39

1935  Locally built Crandall hydroplanes lined-up for a press photo.

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1936  Race handicaps were confidental and cards were personally handed to the drivers. In this heat Ruth Treglown (below) started on zero.

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1935  Edward Treglown the first Commodore of the Club.

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1936  Malcolm Humphery

1938  Local boatyard owner Jack Robinson finished 3rd in the  Daily Mirror Trophy meeting in Red Wings.

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1935  The first annual dinner at the Royal Hotel, Lowestoft

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George Treglown in the Italian-built Tobasco XIV.

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1936 The Wherry buoy during the  Daily Mirror Trophy meeting.

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For the 1936 season the Club presented gold, silver and bronze medals for the major trophy meetings.

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1936  Race Programme

1938  Edward Treglown and Sid McMeekin compete in a 2-lap scratch race. Sid's son is still a club member.

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1936  The Wherry turn during the Daily Mirror meeting

1936  Geoff Holt  congratulates George Treglown on winning the opening round of the Daily Mirror Trophy

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Des Truman preparing for the 1936 Daily Mirror Trophy meeting - note the handlebar steering which was never a success in boat racing. The family owned the A.D. Truman boatyard opposite the park.

A German competitor at the Wherry turn during  the 1938 Daily Mirror meeting.

90 years of racing on Oulton Broad - the world's oldest motorboat racing venue

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