Since 1933

Lowestoft & Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club
Affiliated to the British Power Boat Association

Photo Gallery / 1960-69

1963 Ron Howes in his home-built inboard runabout Tycoon II
Don Musson racing his Albatross 'L'Oiseau Bleu' at Oulton Broad on 30 August 1965, powered by Coventry Climax 1220cc
1963 Alan Richards from Essex in Cyclone.

1963 Rex King in his first outboard runabout Blue-Fly. Rex wa still a club member in 2021

1966 Jim Gooderham in the Crescent powered Scram chasing Alan Morell in Sawdust, a British Anzani powered Buzzard hull at the Wherry turn.

1967 Ted Bolton launching 271 Whoops, whilst Doug Willey and his mechanic Lionel Coles (still a club member in 2020).

1967 Outboard Runabouts at the Wherry turn. 13 Tony Simmonds 36 R Williiams 43 Bob Spalding 40 Alan Jelliff.

1967 Ulf Andersson from Sweden testing at Oulton prior to the European 'C' Stock Championship at South Cerney which he won.

1966 Launching boats at the Wherry Hotel slipway